Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

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Walking Copenhagen, Metropolis, 2020

Date: 7 May 2020 from 8-20

12 hour walk 13 strikes each hour

Live-stream each hour on the hour on

Starting from my studio my destination was to get lost for 12 hours.

I asked people in the streets to help me getting lost. 

Clips from my route.

My inner compass

I have absolutely no sense of place. The GPS on my phone saves me from getting lost, helps me arrive on time to my appointments. I have streamlined my transportation time and save myself the stress of navigating around. In the past, I always asked people for directions, especially abroad, and that way I always met and communicated with a lot of people in the public space. This happens less often now, although I can still get lost with a GPS.

With this story of my disability, I came to think of how sad it is that we lose touch with each other in public space. More now than before with our smartphones, which are our tool for private as well as professional purposes. It facilitates us with information, entertainment and company. Before, people looked at each other, were observant, at times a small secret flirtation could arise on the train. Here in the present corona times, where one risks getting fined for getting too close to other people, there is even less communication in the public space.

My goal with the walk is to get lost, let go of control and overview, to let myself be guided by instincts and curiosity. In addition to getting lost, I will pick things up on my way and use them in an installation or performative context, leaving it as a trail on my route. I start from my home in Outer Nørrebro and start walking north. And let’s see where I end up.

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