Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

Mobile Mirror

The performance Mobile Mirrors is a performance with one or more mannequins, all clad in a mosaic of mirror shards. The mirrors are fragmentized, scattered all over the body. Usually one looks into the mirror. In this case the person inside (the mobile mirror suit) can only mirror others and partially its environment, but never itself.

The Mobile Mirrors has been performed at: 

Kulturens Hus, Luleå, British Council Cairo, 2012. 

The Market Market, Shopping Mall, Manila 

Gallery Christian Larsen, Stockholm 

Café Dancers, Dance –and Performance programme, Nada Art Fair, New York City, 2013. 

Dome of Visions

Aarhus, Denmark 2018

Photos by Stine Skøtt Olesen

Brief Encounters

Lustwarande, Tilburg, Holland 2018

Photos and video by Gert Jan van Rooij Studio

Sisters Academy  

The Takeover at Nova Academy, Simrishamn, Sweden 2016

Mobile Mirrors as part of the grand scale performance Sisters Academy by Gry Worre Hallberg / Sisters Hope in the Swedish upper secondary school Nova Academy in 2016.

In the Takeover Sisters Hope take over the leadership of a series of actual upper secondary schools. They transform the school completely in an immersive landscape of light-, sound- and set-design. The Sister and staff moves in as the new ‘Head Mistress’ and as strange enchanting new colleagues. The teachers at the school are now facilitated to work from the performative premise that they are now teachers at a school based on aesthetic principles – If the aesthetic dimension was governing society and not the economic and if tactile perception was valued as highly as the rational then how would you teach? – Is the question – All to evoke sensuous learning innovations. 

The Swedish manifestation of Sisters Academy was co-produced with the cultural Malmö-based venue Inkonst and carries the project-titel Sisters Academy Malmö. Sisters Academy Malmö falls in two parts: Part I – The Boarding School September 2015 / Part II – The Takeover February-March 2016.

Mobile Mirror: Nikoline Kern

Photo: I diana lindhardt / Sisters Hope

Performance Sense Laboratory

Roskilde festival 2014

Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen was one of four international performance groups (Sisters Hope (DK), Savage Amusement (AUS/DE), Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen (DK) and Katalin Halasz (UK)) represented at the Roskilde festival 2014.

In the tradition of interactive and immersive performance art we explored the nature of the ‘sensuous’ in the Performance Sense Laboratory. Performers in the shape of Evokers initiated and facilitated the journey of the festival participants, who became Human Research Objects as they entered the Performance Sense Laboratory. 

Set-design: The Hands of Sisters Academy, Sisters Hope: Rhoda Ting, Alberte Laursen Rothenborg, Ayo Villum Krogh and Connor Parks

Sound-design: The Ear of Sisters Academy, Sisters Hope: Ulf Rathen Kring Hansen

Concept and curation: Gry Worre Hallberg

Light-design: Ungt Lys curated by Vivian Kathrine Nagy

Photo: I diana lindhardt / Sisters Hope

Kuben and Shopping Centre

Horsens – a project by Horsens Kunstmuseum and Mærk Byen 2014

Emil Bertz: Conversely, the mannequin is globally accepted as an essential part of today’s retail industry. Wherever we go, its appearance and purpose remain the same. We use the mannequin as a surface onto which we project our own selves, while at the same time we internalize the beauty ideals it represents. We become it – it becomes us.

Cuenca Rasmussen’s sculptures construct a poetic and at the same time pointed criticism of this relationship between object and beholder/consumer.

The mirror surfaces of the mannequins turn our gaze back onto ourselves, forcing us to become aware of our own bodies and consumption habits. This way revealed, we can see ourselves as part of a much larger system, as complex and chaotic as ever the sculptures’ reflections on the walls.

Manila shopping mall

Performance at Manila shopping mall, Philippines 2013

The performance Mobile Mirrors is a performance with one or more mannequins, all clad in a mosaic of mirror shards. The sculptures of this performance are called Outer Reflection #1-4. The mirrors are fragmentized, scattered all over the body. Usually one looks into the mirror. In this case the person inside (the mobile mirror suit) can only mirror others and partially its environment, but never itself.

In a Shopping Mall context the Mobile Mirrors reflect on consumarism, In Manila the shopping mall functions as social platform and has it is own culture.


Venue: Mellemrum, X-act- Kittening Johnson 2012
Location: Art & Color bar Oehlenslagergade. Copenhagen
Duration: 20 minutes
Photos by Per Morten Abrahamsen

Accordion: Katine Møllebæk
Mobile Mirrors: Katrine Leth and Johanne Malene Geiger
Host and waiter: Christian Rossil

In an eclectic ar bar a variety show richfull in expression: addresses art and egotistical issues; respectively in The Artist’s Song (2007) and The Ego Song (2006). Accompanied by an accordionist playing.

Mobilemirrors FILM


Performers: Tilde Elme, Johanna Malene Geiger, Tannie Madsen, Naya Moll, Linda Reinered
Composition and accordion: Katrine Møllebæk
Bass clarinet: Siri Iversen
Sound recording and mix: Mads Berndsen
Cinematography: Andreas Rosforth
Editing and additional sound mix: Niels Plege
Concept and performance: Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

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