Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

Mis United

Video installation and performance, 2008

The 5 or 6 songs in the performance.

Hypnotize 4 minutes · Choices – or Voices 3:58 minutes · Hocus Pocus Focus 4 minutes · Holywood 4:21 minutes includes special guest · Hollow 3:41 minutes · Lilith 3:50 minutes

Mis United is an ideal – a Miss Universe. She is all and everybody in one, thus thoroughly misshapen. Her successive changes in character are acted out in a bombastic multi-layered costume, as she undresses the music shifts in incompatible genres. Determined to adapt easily to a world in constant transformation, she poses as everything from a Burkha -clad woman to a lush she-devil.

Video installation
Footage filmed from front and back

Two channel video projection: 2 x 8:40 minutes

White leather coated cylinder: Diameter: 1,10 x Height: 1,95 meters

Black pedestal with rotating motor: Diameter: 0,90 x Height 0,30 meters

Lyrics and vocals: Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen

Music: Anders Christophersen 

Costume Design: Lise Klitten

Cinematographer: Kim Høgh Mikkelsen

Editing: Henrik Möll

The artist poses as a living sculpture among other sculptures at the museum Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. Her agility is diminished by a set of wooden shoes in the form of pedestals. She voices her thoughts about how to enter art history while questioning whether the ones already inscribed are important reference points.

2008: Soclé du Monde, Herning Kunstmuseum, Herning 

Live performance on pedestal with rotating motor

Performance with Pether indgren, Simón Robertson Salas, Angelica Asp, Marit Fahlander, André Person, Kristian Person and Andreas Hansson

Duration: 60 minutes

Produced by Lilith Performance Studio, Malmö, 2008

25 – 30 minutes

2008: Renwick Gallery, New York City and In Transit, Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin with Anders Christophersen & Robert Fertita, Karriere Bar, Copenhagen with Anders Christophersen & Kristian Finne Kristensen, Copenhagen Art Fair, Ringstedgalleriet, Ringsted

2009: No Soul for Sale, The X-initiative, New York, Testrup Højskole, F.K.I.T. Ars and Modus, Hammenhög

2010: Night Music Gallery, Statens Museum for Kunst, Copenhagen

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