A long time fascination for the Polish-Romanian artist André Cadere inspired us to curate a reenactment af his Barres de rond performance.
Collaboration with Designbolaget and Mads Nørgaard, 2014
Hommage a André Cadere 1
The project culminated in three live performances in Copenhagen and was documented in a limited print publication.
Photo Sascha Maric
Installed in a Billboard Project, Casablanca, Marocco
Concept and curation: Hanne Lise Thomsen
Homage á André Cadere 2
Project with Mads Nørgaard and Designbolaget
Cadere’s Round Bar of Wood, violet, white, yellow, blue, 1975
Stick is a remake by the artist Fos
Part 2 at Arctic Action Pyramiden and Longyearbyen, Svalbard, 2016