In 2020 the summer solstice, the longest day and shortest night of the year, occured on Saturday 20 June 2020 at 21:43 GMT (22:43 BST).
23,5° praises health and the light. It is a ritual focusing on the positive aspects of life in the current situation of the global pandemic.
The full body text is divided between 58 sentences written on lemons and shared between the limited guests allowed in the library venue 58 exactly. The lemons are vitamins distributed to everybody, who wishes to receive.
Up Close, performance Festival, Det Classenske Bibliotek, Classen Library Copenhagen
Materials: Lemons, barley grains, water
Text, performance & concept: Lilibeth Cuenca Rasmussen
Drummer: Yohan Ramon
Costume Design: Sur le Chemin
Photography: Frida Gregersen
Camera: Tine Juul Reingaard Hansen
Sponsors: New Carlsberg Foundation
Tin lemons unika 20 /30
Dimensions: 1:1